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tv   [untitled]    September 2, 2012 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT

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download. stream quality and enjoy your favorite. t.v. it's not required to watch all its all you need. more charts any time. the week's top stories on our team turkeys call for a no fly zone in syria fails to get support at the u.n. as rebels in the country declare civilian a. warning international flights to stay away. iran welcomes a chorus of support for its peaceful nuclear program at the nonaligned summit into iran being a blow to u.s. moves to isolate the group public. the republicans of nominated
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presidential candidate mitt romney on the. games in russia but faces criticism for flip flopping on the previous policies. and. just says we. need to call the bottom billion dollars out of his fortune in london called to he was a fundamentally underlying bore witness. it's one am here in moscow you're watching r t with us for the weekly say first the most open push yet for military intervention in syria came this week proposed by turkey with backing from both britain and front. it proposed a un establishment of which camps on syrian soil which would be guarded and
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protected by foreign forces by a no fly zone and the idea here is a dead end at the security council with russia and china standing against any for the interference of britain and france remain determined tenting they might cite step thinking when all together and that according to brian back from the end to the coalition will be like just returning to the cost. of the united states and france and britain consider the united nations to be nothing other than they're placing a fig leaf for their own foreign policy yes they're very disappointed in russia and china for quote weakening the un but if the un is actually to be a voice for peace of. a method an instrument to avoid war in the scourge of war to avoid the ravages of colonialism as it has pretended to be to be at least in the past it's very odd and ironic in fact completely hypocritical to have the french government saying to the syrian opposition you form a government and we'll recognize you i mean that's just
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a script from the good old days when the colonial powers operated through proxies so it will be they those who control the monopoly of violence that is the nato powers themselves who will be the ultimate determiner of what the character is of this new so-called opposition government or what they will declare to be there with jed i'm a government of the syrian people the rebel fighters say that foreign policy coming in and establishing a no fly zone over syria will significantly help them in their fight against assad's government but in the meantime they've promised to expand their own offensive and a new battleground civilian eight points with the free syrian army warning airlines to avoid damascus and aleppo they say planes arriving at those two locations are part of an alleged arms smuggling network for the government and it's here to any aircraft landing these civilian on launch could now be a target for the free syrian army but that's not the only tactic employed by the rebels that's a raising serious questions as artie's you think often are reports. it was another
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disturbing example of the many atrocities committed throughout the syrian war a truck bomb with homemade explosives headed for a checkpoint to the entrance of syria's largest city. you love us ok but the men that are loading it aren't assad forces they're one of the many groups fighting under the banner of the free syrian army and their captive is said to be a member of the should be a militia with a very close ties to the government the video filmed by the new york times and turn into an on air segment by the b.b.c. captured about human rights groups called evidence of an attempted murder a potential war crime under international law video of rebels from the free syrian army trying to use a prisoner as an unwitting suicide bomber in their attacks on government forces and the cameras didn't follow the prisoner who had no idea that while being blindfolded he was actually embarking on a suicide mission he simply thought that he was being given his freedom the very next morning he was said to have a scaped after the bombs failed to detonate and the b.b.c.
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had aired the story on august twenty second but this glimpse into the darker side of some of the tactics now being used in the uprising never aired again the story was also pulled from the b.b.c. website the network told me that this was due to copyright issues and this very video raises the question about whether such tactics may be more widespread among the opposition than what has been previously documented they have yet to draw the same level of scrutiny as the crimes committed by the government were tallaght in syria is met with more whether by the government or the rebels the violence seems to be the name of the game and he further shatters the prospects for peace agreement reality for the civilians caught in this bitter war no for r.t. in moscow. now meanwhile syria's neighbors are feeling the heat of the long running warm next hour a report on how assad friendly jordan found himself between a rock and a hard place with a never ending stream of refugees from one side and on smuggling from the other.
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weighing in on the syrian situation is we keep leaks with julian assange is promising to publish millions of e-mails showing just how comfortable the was used to be with us that and why the media is so intent on vilifying him and his very savvy interview since he was granted asylum by ecuador he criticized washington's arrest mint of weiqi leaks he said speaking the truth that wasn't harmful unlike america's action in iraq and afghanistan some of which is a web site helped expose a sunday also talked about a chinese national surveillance empire that he says is quickly taking shape across the developed world the whistleblower cited internet giant to such as google as being complicit in the mammoth spying operation by the united states paul wilson from the u.k. independence party says there is he is a wiki leaks brings up an extremely relevant. we here in britain suffer even more from the surveillance society in the united states london is the capital
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world capital of surveillance everywhere you look there's a c.c.t.v. camera we are constantly monitored monitored twenty four hours a day. now we we in the u.k. independence party. in the same way that wiki leaks has been trying to do but it's very difficult because you're married to be against the rule of law or if you don't want to be so very you know every moment of your your waking life as a part of the matter is that there's been no attempt to say that any of the stuff they were released or gielen or misleading. the whole strike seems to be to just take them out because the actual documents speak for themselves and are clearly for the most part you know externally damning and very relevant. and plenty more to come this hour including no mercy for my no israel bathrooms the god chronicling the humiliation and would tell it to the army has committed against palestinian children on occupied land. also in tapping into time is monitoring
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well as german chancellor angela merkel tries to persuade beijing to spend billions to support a struggling us saying. iran with nuclear ambitions have won some powerful backing as one hundred twenty countries voicing approval for peace for atomic precision the country this is the key point in a unanimously adopted resolution that draft up a number aligned movements summit in toronto the u.s. and israel have been left reeling by the success of the gathering it comes as a new i.a.e.a. report suggests that iran has significantly enhanced its nuclear capacity but the document was rejected by ciaran as politically motivated that was another blow for israel and its western allies when u.n. chief of bentiu moon appeared at the summit he condemned their position the weekend thrashed out the strike on iran saying mohammad marandi a professor at the universe just iran says it's ironic that the u.s.
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have forced iran to launch an atomic program. the iranians are saying that this report came at a sensitive time to sort of distract attention away from this iranian success the irony here is that the iranians at the beginning had no intention whatsoever to produce uranium at twenty percent and then produce nuclear fuel but americans by the europeans by taking the rani and citizens and people hostage forced the iranians to take that step the politicians senior politicians really know that an attack on iran would be devastating for the united states and not only for its economy but for its global position and its credibility. independent researcher soraya support paul ragan believes iran is the main barrier to u.s. domination in the region mr brime ki-moon does recognize the fact and he has said so this iran is a key player in the region and nothing much really can be solved q sours if you
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want participation and i'm sure that the united states and israel would like to use to ban ki-moon to come down hard on iran first he's also aware of the fact there's two thirds of the countries that belong to the united nations are member countries of the nine aligned movement united states state department they do tend to be very aggressive in their foreign policy towards certain countries in particular although i think they have the whole goal in mind they would love to be a global vision monic power with the nonaligned movement now is one hundred percent coming together to resist this kind of action. now israel is being heavily criticized after several of its soldiers testified that children will often their main targets the release follows the publication of two damning reports one from british lawyers that visited israel's military courts and the other from the human rights group a defense of children international that detail multiple violations of
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committed against children policia has a story. there were demonstrations as indeed there are if we recap now be silent which is a palestinian village and in footage that was captured on camera these soldiers can be seen going from house to house and physically taking people out of their homes one person was injured at least six people were arrested five of whom were children and there are pictures of the daughters of one woman trying to save their mother as she was manhandled by the soldiers who are sitting using stun grenades now these reports come out on the heels of another damning conclusion there is really defense forces has come under fire from its own rank and file an organization known as breaking the silence has published the testimonies of some fifty israeli soldiers and commanders in which they deal specifically with how the i.d.f. treats palestinian children palestinian minors they talk about the opportunity of
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violence by soldiers when it comes to children and at the same time they say that very often the i.d.f. deliberately targets children using them as human shields during its operations but these reports also going to say that even when children are not deliberately targeted they are not afforded any kind of protection when there is a shootout or any kind of military operation as you can witness from that distance that we published and from my own experiences as a soldier i have to say that the main point here is that there is there is no real distinction when it comes to treatment between adults and children for example we were doing constant arista khorasan says throughout the west bank arresting i don't know how many people you know on a nightly basis in many of the people that we were arresting were either children or teenagers did the most occasions we didn't even know why they were being arrested in one of the radio parisian streets we had to basically invaded the palestinian town south of the city of hebron the children started throwing stones
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at us so it's going to be picture in the kid didn't even necessarily threw stones at us and used him as a shoe. suited to stone to pull being sprayed by these trends or by the supposed friends who did team instead of us we were hoping that that would stop him somehow that would stop his friends from throwing stones obviously didn't help him he just got injured in. asia so certainly not a good time for the i.d.f. it's finding itself being criticized on a number of fronts policy r.t.e. television. and still ahead for you this hour acting in bad faith we explore the reasons behind in the new president and drive of islamic extremism in russia following a series of assassinations of moderate muslim clerics. and you take orders has shattered the hopes and the reputation of russia's self exile tycoon barak's press office came his eyes safe lawsuit against the billionaire compatriot romano was dismissed in one of the most expensive cases in british legal history
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laura smith is in london and has a story. final verdict in this case found against bodies which means that he won't receive a cent of the more than five point six billion dollars that he was also going for. himself was not in court was he a relieved looking very upbeat saying that he had full confidence in the british legal system but was the verdict was being read he held his head in his hands and as he was leaving he appears to have lost confidence in the british legal system now this is a case that has opened up all the viewing of the general public the. old brushes mega rich and what they got up to back in the one nine hundred ninety s. the wild east as we called it that we're talking about used to have sums of money off shore bank accounts elicit payments made between people often in massive sums of cash. or of kools five star hotels ski resorts and enormous business deals done
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only on the strength of a handshake with new documentation which of course has made this case a very difficult one to judge it's brought to the school building billion ads along with their own megger expensive lawyers and bodyguards who walked around this course area in the shade in a menacing way but he spread his old ski says that he was done out of billions of dollars when he says that abramovich intimidates him into selling shares in the russian metals and oil companies for a fraction of what they were but abramovich says that in fact. never business partners that he was making payments to but they were only for political protection . roof in russian but as he wanted five point six billion dollars on top of the one point two billion that he received back in two thousand and two from this
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is been one of the biggest civil trials ever held in british legal history it's been hung. hundreds of hours and resulted in millions of dollars worth of legal fees so we've heard the results of this case new win for better this time around but we may see more cases of this nature here in london. while news of that mega rich court battle over billions in london might not go down well in crisis head spain one in four is now out of a job or into the latest figures from the euro stat expert opinion on that next hour. less than two hundred years after they came beslan russia for the game think they should know now pauline in theory c.s.i. real acting the clash. this week the u.s. presidential candidates have been touring key states to secure support for november's election republican mitt romney to barack obama to the gulf coast a visiting areas hit by hurricane isaac those have been
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a lot of the harsher touring between the team obama supporters accuse romney of paying little attention to who was sold this by tim mcgraw all the republican and slammed obama's first time as a foreign policy failure vowing that he would get tough with the russian however mosul shiela him professor william robinson says this letter will choice for american voters. there's no real significant difference between the republicans and the democrats regard to the economic program both ortiz are beholden to transnational corporate interests particularly to the banking interests or oil interests to the u.s. military industrial complex this is a longstanding reality of u.s. electoral campaigns increasingly their personalized increasingly the real issues are at stake the vital issues for the people in the united states and worldwide are not dealt with and increasingly they are simple so please personalize the times there is one difference of substance and this is coming out in the campaign bickering and that is that the obama administration has been pursuing what we call
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a very limited neocon history and a little more social programs that are a little more and really those are the only i see those are the only significant differences right now between these two parties in their presidential candidates. meanwhile in charlotte north carolina hundreds of all queue pide demonstrators took to the streets ahead of the democratic national convention approaches a marching through the city as a business district and chanting slogans and holding up signs decrying corporate influence on us politics the democrats' convention has been in the city they took on on monday and earlier demonstrators gathered in tampa during the republican national convention but the turnout was less than expected due to hurricane isaac that pulse through florida ny style once. again discusses the upcoming election with author andrew livin he tells us is a view on how much genuine choice americans have is a preview. it's sort of like. coke and pepsi and
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the level of antagonism and out of we exist in the places where those things are manufactured and marketed but at the level of underlying political vision or underlying political orientation there isn't that much difference and romney would probably be perfectly happy doing what obama does we have a media which is so thorough going to control and. all the institutions that manufacture opinion are so pervasive and our electoral system has become basically i can advertising it's become the sales promotions there are brands and there are people trying to sell different products one of two products to a product and it's. a pressure that's not all it's not so much the pressure that's hard to resist it's a pressure that most people or most people aren't even aware that there is an
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alternative. is still watching our team thanks for being with us tex by radical muslims the moderate islamic leaders in russia have been on a recent high prompting fears of a surge in extremism and influential she was killed she was day in dagestan when a female suicide bomber entered the cleric's home disguised as a pilgrim and blew herself up this comes after a double assault on monday he was in figures in central russia into live t.v. i got a piece going to find out where the rates of extremism are leading. the trip to work that turned to tragedy. had moved he was driving when a series of blasts threw him from his car the man who's been openly against the spread of radical ideas among believers survived to find out his deputy was shot dead in another part of town investigators still don't know the exact motivation behind the attack but the spotlights now on the other stun most people here are
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muslim and that gets mentioned more and more when it comes to the spread of radical islam in washington yes some of the local muslim communities are financed by arab families from states where it's an official religion well they got the money has to be worked off and they demand the ideology that it's. like a business is one of the most fundamental branches of islam it's strongly advocated in saudi arabia which backs it up with billions of dollars of support across the muslim world its followers often oppose all other religions sometimes even calling for jihad or holy war against them bus abysmal or any other radical movement of us lot of course not part of the official religion here but i thought he saw a different ideas often taught in smaller mosques hidden from the mainstream. like this one form a boiler house rebuilt into a mosque in one of many apartment blocks the art it's the mom's denying being radical but admit they do not support their stance official branches of islam. we
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don't divide brother muslims and there can be no radicalism no terrorism these are words only used by prove a kidders one to discredit as. we were told here believers are taught sincerely and equality are no longer up held in modern society looking with justice can only be achieved through islam. islam is the only thing a way of life and social order that called radical extreme islamists and what's the punishment for stealing land chop. not the kind of punishment you'd find in russia's criminal court nevertheless such ideas are reportedly gaining more support among young muslims for some of its words it could be partly to blame on how the list of banned extremist literature was thrown together. in the books by classical world famous authors are. probably in the famine saying how can we expect muslims
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to react. to the radicals use this to gain influence. of course start their stand is a long way from becoming engulfed by the worst of radical islam how the state reacts to the spread of extremism is now keep the wrong news but only reversing the situation. our gee i don't understand we have for you on this and many of the stories on our website. i mean well you know funny girl allegedly falls victim to any mom who's accused of trying to frame me. case. companies try to wriggle out of. this summer's record breaking the draft.
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german chancellor angela merkel has wrapped up her visit to china was aimed at tapping into the country's monetary muscle to help pull year about of its downward death spiral he thought the flow of investment from beijing into the european stability apply well i guess financial trouble that the lower told to create however the german leaders overtures were met with a god response from china's leaders who stop short of pledging more cash injections into european debt. the nanny from the european council on foreign relations explains why the tinies are in no hurry to lend a hand to bill in the big hope in europe is that the chinese would invest in some of the new vehicles that have been crazy like the european stability mechanism. the chinese. offering lots of words of support
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today and yesterday but not much in the way of concrete promises to buy bonds in any case the chinese don't tend to make their own purchases public so we don't know for example how much the chinese invested in european bones in the last two years since the euro crisis began anyway and we probably won't know so there's a lot of there's a lot of uncertainty about in the case of a boss obviously this is a european company and so it would benefit not just germany but also france and other countries in europe but lots of the deals that have been signed. off for german companies are open to european companies and so in that sense there is a competition going on between germany and other european countries and it might be generally seems to be winning that competition. now let's take a look at some other news making headlines around the world at least eight people have been killed in a u.s. drone strike me of the tunnel of red dot in southern yemen three civilians are
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confirmed to have been killed in the attack officials are still investigating the identities of the other five and they are possible involvement in terrorist activities tribal leaders believe the target was a local al qaeda leader who survived the strike. hundreds of buddhist monks and gentle streams of my mother's second largest that day monday late on saturday they gathered in support of government plans to do poured a move in the camp of muslim are only part of me how may nod to living in the country the idea came after recent outbreak of sectarian violence in the west of my mother which left almost one thousand people to according to the un rohingya why muslims are one of the most the persecuted minority in the world. right we got through that word but i'll be back with a recap of the main stories for you shortly stay with us but it's.
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a luxury to see roundtrip with the open air entertainments. a little bit of exercise to get in better shape. and cuisine with only
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healthy ingredients. something to remind our summer sales are cheap. wealthy british style. markets why not scandals find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's cause or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kinds a report on. their conduce childhood was overshadowed by this tragedy. these two feel the fear they faced.


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